

写真 / 大波チャージで最も有名なサーフィンスポットのワイメアベイ



ですが実は、ほんのこの前まで、その大波乗りのメッカはノースショアではなく『ウエス トサイド(マカハ)』だったんです!








“We were the first ones to go (to the North Shore.) Wally and John Kelly told
me, they said, ‘Oh, there at (Sunset Beach,) there’s big waves over there.’”
(Quotes in this summary are from an account by Woody Brown in Legendary
Surfers.)On December 22, 1943, Woody Brown and a young friend named Dickie Cross
paddled out at Sunset on a rising swell. Up to this time, Sunset had rarely been


“Oh well, it’s winter time. There’s no surf in Waikiki at all, see. So, we got
bored. You know how surfers get. Oh, let’s go over there and try over there.
That’s how we got over there and got caught, because the waves were 20 feet.”


“Well, that wasn’t too bad, because there was a channel going out, see. The only
thing is, when I looked from the shore, I could see the water dancing in the
channel … the waves are piling in the bay from both sides, causing this narrow
channel going out.”


“There were 20 foot waves breaking on each side. We went out to catch these
waves and slide toward the channel. The only trouble was, the surf was on the
way up. We didn’t know that. It was the biggest surf they’d had in years and
years, see, and it was on the way up.”


写真 / 数十年に一度の巨大波は民家に被害をもたらすほど強烈。

“So, we got caught out there! It kept getting bigger and bigger and, finally, we
were sitting in this deep hole where the surf was breaking on two sides and
coming into the channel. The channel opened up into this big deep area where we
were and the surf would break on two sides”.


“Then, all of a sudden, way outside in the blue water, a half mile out from
where we were – and we were out a half mile from shore – way out in the blue
water this tremendous wave came all the way down the coast, from one end to the


“It feathered and broke out there! We thought, ‘Oh boy, so long, pal. This is
the end. … 20 feet of white water, eh? Rolling in and just before it got to us,
it hit this deep hole and the white water just backed-up. The huge swell came
through, but didn’t break.”


“Oh, boy! Scared the hell out of us! Well, there was a set of about 5 or 6 waves
like that. So, after the set went by, we said, ‘Hey, let’s get the hell inside.
What are we doing out here? This is no place to be! Let’s get in!’”


“You have to be very careful of these channels. When the waves get big, the rip
current just pours out of there, out of the bay. You can’t get in. Anyway, we
didn’t know what to do.”


“So, finally, we decided, ‘Well, there was only one thing to do. We gotta wait
until that huge set goes by’ … ‘then, we’ll paddle like hell to get outside of
’em and then paddle down the coast and come in at Waimea.


“By the time we got there, it kept getting bigger and bigger. It went up on the
Haleiwa restaurant and it wiped out the road at Sunset. It was the biggest surf
they’d had in years and we were stuck out there.”


“Then what I was afraid might happen did happen. In other words, a set came
where we were — a big, tremendous set. Boy, outside of us there was just a step
ladder a far as you could see, going uphill.”


“(W)e had agreed we’d go out in the middle of the bay, where it was safe, and
sit there and watch the sets go by and see what it looked like. Then we could
judge where to get in and what.”


“But, no! (Cross) starts cutting in, and I hollered at him, ‘Hey, hey, don’t go
in there. Let’s go out in the middle!’ “‘Nah!’ ” “He just wouldn’t pay any


“So, he was going in and I would see him go up over these swells and come back
out off the top. The next one would come and he’d disappear and then I’d see him
come up over the top and it looked like he was trying to catch ’em.”


“I told him, ‘Come out, come out!’ It sounded like he said, ‘I can’t, Woody, I’m
too tired.’ That’s what it sounded like. But then, he started swimming out
towards me, so I started paddling in to catch him to pick him up on my board.”


“Well, you know, at a time like that, in that kind of big waves… you’re watching
outside all the time … So, I’m paddling in and one eye’s out there and one eye’s
on him to pick him up.”


“All of a sudden, his eyes see the darn mountains coming way outside in the blue
water, just piling one on top of another, way out there. I turned around and
started paddling outside for all I’m worth”.


“I started looking for Dickie, cuz he’s been inside of me. Oh, boy. I hollered
and called and looked, swam around, and there was no more Dickie anywhere. It’s
getting dark, now, too! The sun’s just about setting.”


“So, I’m swimming and I think, ‘Well, I’m gonna die, anyway, so I might just as
well try to swim in, because, what the hell, I’m dead, anyway, if I’m gonna
float around out here.’”


“I’ll swim out to the middle of the bay and I’ll wait and watch the big sets go
by and after a big set goes by, then I just try swimming and hope to God I can
get in far enough that when another big set comes in I’ll be where it isn’t so
big and strong.”


“And that’s what I did. I was just lucky when the first one came. I’m watching
it come, bigger and higher and higher and it broke way outside, maybe 4-5
hundred yards outside of me. I said, ‘Well, maybe I got a chance.’”



“So, I figured, ‘Man, if I lived through this one, I got a chance!’ Cuz each
one, I’m getting washed in, eh? So, each time I dove a little less deep and I
saw it was washing me in.”


“So, they washed me up on the beach. I was so weak, I couldn’t stand up. I
crawled out on my hands and knees and these army guys came running down.”


“The first thing I said to them was, ‘Where’s the other guy?’ They said, ‘Oh, we
never saw him after he got wrapped up in that first big wave.’”


“If he got ‘wrapped up’ meant that he was up in the curl, right? How else would
you express it? So, I figured he tried to bodysurf in.” (Legendary Surfers)

「『波に包まれてた?』てことは、ボディーサーフィンして戻ったってことなんだな、、 俺はそう理解した。」





記事: エミコ•コーヘン
You tube「英語の勉強しよう!」



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